Friday, December 23, 2011

Clean Lines and Blurry Photos

The Falls

There is a Tri State Creek that  has been on my radar for some time.  It's one of those places you go when everything is BLOWN OUT.   Those Days Don't happen to often.  anyway this December has been really good to kayakers in the South.   So with our abundance of rain myself and Chris McCoy decided to go check it out.  The highlight of the run is definitely the 40ft falls. It has a tricky entrance and only seen a few decents. None of them have been sucessful.  From what I heard the most people over compensate for the big hole at the lip and end up shooting out past the falls and landing on their head.   I decided to deal with the hole and melt the drop.  Chancing a surf at the lip of a big drop is a small price to pay, to clean the line.  Just as I expected the hole slowed me down allowing me to melt the drop. Melting the drop doesn't make for good photo's, but clean lines and not swimming is what really counts.  Right??  Anyway I melted the drop tucked it up and had a great line. Tri State Creek  will be my destination on those Blown Out Days on the Ridge.   It's also a good place to train for bigger drops.

Matt Wallace melting the falls.  You can barely see the shadow of the Boat about half way down. Black Ops, you never see it coming.

Chris McCoy tucking up on the big 'en

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