Nate Running The 1st Drop
This mission started this past fall when myself and Ben Davis hiked this gorge. What we saw was incredible. The Falling Water Gorge was one of the most amazing places I had been, and I couldn't wait for the day I would get to travel through it by kayak. This creek was the goal of my 2009 paddling season. I had heard that the rapids were good but a lot of work. More rains were on the way after we ran Allen Creek. We made plans that night to meet and make an attempt at Falling Water. When I woke up to a steady rain, I was sure it was running. After our crew all arrived, we headed for the put in. On the drive up we saw several small side streams swollen over their banks, and we began to wonder if Falling Water would be too high. Upon arrival, we found a perfect first time level. So we geared up and put on. It is rare to find such a magical place so close to a large city. The gorge is very tight and intimate. It gives off an eerie feeling that you are in another world. The top section is filled with typical bedrock slides and boofs with one boulder rapid being thrown into the mix. We found all but one rapid clear of wood. As we continued down, I probed ahead hoping to recognize the beginning of Dragon's Lair. The Dragon's Liar is a huge rapid consisting of 3 difficult drops, with a small eddy above the first drop to get out and scout or portage from. Luckily for our crew I recognized where the Dragon's Lair began. When we hopped out to scout, everyone was amazed at what they saw-a beautiful walled in gorge filled with incredible drops. The first drop was a real tight 12ft shoulder boof into tight slot with a small pool immediately flowing into the next drop. The next drop was a 10 footer with a nice hole and undercuts on both side. After the second drop you get a tricky little rapid where you must eddy out above the last drop. The last drop was definitely the hardest of all three drops. It was a 15-18 foot drop onto rock which immediately transitions to a fast slide. The slide banks hard right and leads into a shallow 15 footer. We all fired up the first two drops. I ran the 3rd drop and after a successful line Chris gave 'er too! After running the third drop the creek picked up gradient. You have 1 rapid followed by an unrunnable 60ft drop. From here down the creek was full on. Many of the rapids were unrunnable and choked with wood. Our group was running short on time so we decided to hike out along the trail back to the car. Even with the hike to the car, Falling Water is well worth the work. This summer we plan to go in there and clean out the wood from the lower half. Can't wait to go back to this incredible gorge! Falling Water is truely a magical place.

Chris and Waren in a typical upper rapid

Me on a slide

Me boofing one of the upper rapids

Charging 1st Drop of Dragon's Lair


Below the second drop

Landing the second Drop

This next sequence is me running the 3rd Drop in Dragon's Lair

We shot lots of video on this run and I am sure you will be able to find it here or Adam will share it on his blog when it's ready:
1 comment:
Nice adventure report dude and crazy pictures; looks pretty jungly
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