Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day Dreaming...

April has been a mighty fine month to be a kayaker in East Tennessee. This month alone I have gotten on 4 new runs. Sitting back reminiscing about the past couple weeks, jogged my memory of the one new run I got last April, Chinquapin. I was always told if this run was going, drop what you are doing and go there. Well when I got the call, I did just that. I loaded the gear and hustled to North Alabama. The creek was dropping but it had a Little water. But a lil' water is better than no water especially during a drought. This run was allot of fun and I can't wait to get back with more water. But let's hope the rains continue so we can keep getting out there and exploring. Here are some pictures from that day. Enjoy!

I 'm no stranger to the rain....

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