This weekend I got to do a couple laps on my new favorite creek. I have been wanting to run this creek for a long time, but there have been several access issues. Finally everything came together. This run was everything I thought it would be. It had it all: big drops, your typical plateau mank, a big portage, and technical rapids filled with boofs and slides. So if you want to run this creek, do your work and locate all the info and everyone who needs to be notified for you to gain access. DO NOT POACH THIS RUN. If you do run it, respect the land owners and their property and stay low key. Here are a few photos of what you could expect in the pit. This is just a few of the rapids, probably less than half of them.

Me at the first big drop

Dave at one of the many slot boofs

Me at the same boof

Me charging one of the drops

Same drop

Mark T. styling one of the big ones
Mark T. Boofing his way down stream

Ted H. sliding on down

They Crew getting back in after a scout

Me after a typical rapid

Mark T. after a typical boof

Mark T. charging into one of the big rapids

Adam G. Boofing downstream

Walking to the car